Thursday, October 15, 2009

How Much Do You Love the Earth?

On this Blog Action Day, I'm not gonna be preachy about Global Warming and its effects, yada yada yada... A lot of us might have heard that over and over; the truth is everyone thinks that it's not directly effected them whatsoever. Well, many representations which often mentioned over Global Warming issue are seem so far away from us. People are just being realistic; as much as we wanna care for certain extinctions but the fact is we feel not too related to Polar Bear in North Pole, Penguin in South Pole, Orang Utan in Kalimantan, Panda in China, or Pink Dolphin in Amazon. People are being righteous; I'm a good person, I don't harm others, I pay taxes, and I want the government to do something about this issue. Well, are we good people? If we observed some of the natural tragedies that happened recently, I don't think we can say Amen to that. There IS something wrong with the planet, and we must act together to prevent the worst to happen.

Here is a checklist to know whether or not you have taken part in loving the earth:
- 3R action: reduce, reuse, recycle (you can sing along with Jack Johnson)
- managing your trash; no littering (including ciggy bud)
- buy refill and big size
- bring groceries bag
- carpooling or use the public transport as much as possible
- buy local products
- good driving and good car maintenance
- buy second hand car
- turning off the unattended light and AC
- take the train instead of plane for a short trip between 2 cities
- washing car using leave-on shampoo or not as much
- stop using Styrofoam and wooden chopstick
- responsible disposal (not burning plastic or throw battery to the dumpster).

If you disagree or not doing most of the list, well, its not too late to change. To read more about this topic, please visit this site.


angeline said...

thanks for the tips. Some are harder than the others. I hope Indonesian MRT project can start soon, so we can have a more bearable public transport here.

coolz said...

you're welcome, angeline... yea, rumor said the project will be finish by 2016... but we don't know ya (remember Suramadu?).

So, let's just keep our fingers crossed :)