Saturday, April 17, 2010

Weekend Review: Wise Choice to Stay at Home

Hi all, how do you like my blog's new look? :) I actually kinda  surprised when I found lots of new addition on blogger setting menu  and even more surprised when I found how easy it was to use. I don't  need to add javascript or CSS manually anymore *happy happy* So, I'm just going to enjoy this new look for now, and hope that you like it too.

As you probably can guess by looking at my blog, I am a moody person. I write when I feel like doing it, and I can be on fire at one moment and be so frozen the next period of time. Maybe I am not exactly a good blogger to be followed (a more diligent blogger, for example is my friend, Jie), but I do write every day; including through micro blogs such as twitter and plurk. Well, today I feel like writing here... simply cuz I have had a peaceful and graceful Saturday.

Since last weekend I was so busy with work and I felt so dry after having my Sunday taken away. Last week I didn't even feel peaceful at church cuz of all those technical problems we had. The point is, I was being too hard on myself.  So, when I had the chance to laze around the house and do absolutely nothing, I just took it. My two most favorite things to do when I am trying to unwind are going to spa and shopping *2s* (lols, what else!) But today I chose to catch up with my body clock; yup, sleeping a loooot... I decided not to accept gathering invitation in Rancamaya from my friend, and just focused on getting my whole self back; physically and emotionally. Lack of sleep could make you easily feel irritated and reduce the ability to concentrate.

Although I hate to admit this, but after seeing the facts and hearing testimonials from many friends, I come to a conclusion that I am an organised person. Everything in my head is already placed in order, just like I plan it. That is why, when one thing doesn't happen, it would ruin my "whole universe" and I need a moment to collect myself again before I do the plan B. This "moment" isn't necessary to be long, but it must be able to reset my mind. Just like those moving heads stage light bulb in my church that always need 15 minutes warming up time before it's ready to use, I also need to sit on my private toilet bowl every morning and arrange my plan of the day before I go out of the house.

In short, I got my beauty sleep, I went to church at 4 and able to prepare multimedia stuff for the evening service without facing trouble. Felt really glad doing it, although nobody knew. Plusss, I got to see the t-shirt that I've been waiting for. I like the color, the suede printing, the double rib seaming. Hopefully the volunteers like it, too. Here it is...

Well, tomorrow I will need to get up really early to set up several things again, join the service 'till 11.30, and then head to Dharmawangsa for a (supposedly) tough meeting. So help us to finish this smoothly, dear God... *fingers crossed*

How do you like to spend your Saturday? (I guess most of you would say spending with a special someone ya, but I don't really think about it right now... Maybe several months from now, I would start opening up more, but right now I'm just enjoying myself too much). Whatever it is, I would love to hear about your weekend review.


imoet said...

you know coolz, its the best way to spend saturday. enjoying yourself as much as possible :)

btw, i like ur new layout.

coolz said...

Thx, Moet! Kapan yaa bisa liat Iki-chan...

Jiewa said...

Sabtu biasanya aku meeting ama klien, for my freelance job. Kalo weekdays kan kerja kantor jd ga bisa ketemu klien hehe..

Eh.. ada namaku disebut diatas :P