Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Weekend Review: Play, Drink + Reunion

A long weekend is always fun! Specially in the month of May, we got 2 friendly weekends like that. By the end of the month, I was ready with my plans to meet friends and enjoy the weekend to the fullest. I started the long weekend by joining music team rendezvous at Rempoa; we played lots of games (including dominoes and "Gesture") and had potluck. It was closed with tons of Haagen Daz scoops (I had 5 flavors at once!!). After that, we went to movies and watched Prince of Persia. We ended that day with a glass of Martini and new age music at an exotic lounge. The next day, I was catching up with a different crowd of friends. We went to Black Cat, the only recognizable jazz club in Jakarta. The music was nice, the Chardonnay was even better. We hit home after the 2nd break, and I just knew it that I would feel sleepy on Sunday. But then again, it was a weekend not to be missed. Oh, at this age, you'll be sure to receive many wedding invitations. One of my best friends from college, Aida, got married on May 30th and she invited some friends from our hometown (Surabaya) and Jakarta. It was like a small reunion; but since the reception place was limited by time, we decided to go to our favorite hang-out spot, Social House. It's nice to meet Erwin & Henny after few years. I do kind of wonder what we would look like in few years from now. I hope not too bad :p    

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