I know there are probably hundred places that provide big screen for football fans out there... But since I'm currently living in central area, I have to limit my option (I don't wanna sacrifice my bed time for a ride home itself). So, during World Cup, my operation procedure is like this: I kept an eye for the group where my fave team(s) were playing; I chose fave team(s) simply based on the players quality and personal style. For instance, I would never cheer for Argentina (simply cuz I dislike the coach), Brazil (cuz they're like the Lakers of soccer- they've too many supporters and 4 stars anyway!), or communist countries (lols, like I said, it's personal preference). I watched 6.30pm game, followed by 9pm game, and then took a nap before 1.30am game started.
In 1994, I cheered for one country only, and it broke my heart. Italy lost over penalty round (and I dislike Brazil ever since). Four years ago, I cheered for Spain, and they lost to France (hence, I dislike France and was freakin' happy when they went home early this year). Lesson learned: do not be a fanatic. So, I started to choose 2 teams. Spain (cuz I love 'em & I really want them to win) and Holland (cuz my brother-in-law is Dutch... and they've never won World Cup before). My hope is that they both meet in final (I know, I know... many people are expecting Germany VS Netherlands). Only small numbers of people really believe that Spain could win all the way. Well, with a squad like now, I'd say this year is their best chance to win the cup... (while Germany will have bigger chance to win in the next World Cup; cuz their young players would gain more experience and training in their FC.) What's you fave team?
Here are some of those places around Jakarta that I've captured during watching football ("nonton bareng") - World Cup South Africa 2010. If you have interesting pics, feel free to share it with me :)

Top to bottom: Plaza Indonesia XXI lounge - Pizza e Birra SetiabudiOne - Pizza e Birra Plaza Indonesia - Foood Kulture - IES Jakarta @ ANZ Square - Pizza e Birra SetiabudiOne - Wisma Arcadia - Plaza Indonesia XXI lounge - mia casa :)
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