Sunday, January 02, 2011

'Heddick'. And I Just Read Your Blog.

After several phone calls and text messages, I finally felt it.

You know damn well that we miss each other, and the last time wasn't exactly a good "closure".

You and your uptight composure when we stood on your soil.

You have 6 things you hate about me, what's the blank no. 4???
Well, I hate it that we didn't get the chance to say goodbye... Remember how you drove like crazy to fight the traffic to the airport and that we laughed and joked around all the way without even knowing that it would be the last time we saw each other.
It was new year's day and I dreamed about you. About a casual conversation that happened like a reality, but suddenly gone as soon as I woke up. Maybe I was hitting my conscience at the wrong time.

A year ago, it was Bali. A year before, the scorching new year on a beach located somewhere at western part of Java. A year before that, I was totally fine.

Happy new year.... or wait, just another new year without adding an adjective in front of it.

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